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Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit (Each)


Supplement your delicious office or home fruit delivery with the sweet, exotic and delicious passion fruit. Order passion fruits with your fruit box now and have a selection of the freshest and finest fruits delivered to your door, ready for your day ahead.   Loved for its tropical taste with a slightly tart flavour this fruit is a favourite in the summer, but can be enjoyed at any time of year. From adding to desserts and healthy fruit salads to being a yummy breakfast topper, passion fruit is a fantastic way to get your daily nutrients. Rich in vitamin C, it will help your team stave off those nasty viruses, and high in beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene, you can boost your immune system for flu season!   This round fruit is hard on the outside but has soft yellow pulp with edible seeds on the inside. Scoop straight from its shell or add it to all your favourite dishes and drinks. However you like your passion fruit to be devoured, we guarantee the freshest fruits delivered to you.
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