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Written by Ripe London on June 14, 2024

How to Keep Chopped Fruit Fresh at Work

If you're sick of your apples or grapes looking a bit brown and sorry for themselves when you get to work, we don't blame you! Preparing some delicious fresh fruits to enjoy during the day only to have them turn brown and nasty is never fun. Don't worry, though, if you want to learn how to keep chopped fruit fresh throughout the day, we have the perfect info for you below. 

The Best Ways To Keep Chopped Fruit Fresh


There are several things that you can soak your cut fruit in to keep it fresh. What you use depends on your tastes. Most citrus juices can be used to keep chopped fruit fresh and stop the ripening process. Lime juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice and orange juice are all popular choices. Each type of juice adds some flavour to the fruit so make sure to pick a juice you're a fan of.

Citric acid can also be used to keep cut fruits fresher for longer - this is the component of fruit juices that helps keep things fresh. Of course, citrus fruits are much easier to get than citric acid and other citrus juices can be used instead of the ones above if you aren't a fan or you can use a combination of them to add different flavours.

Others prefer to use cold water so there is no additional taste added.

How to soak your fruit

It couldn't be easier to soak your fruits. Simply cut however much fruit you'd like, pop it in an airtight container and add the juice of your choice. Most fruit will float, so toss gently to ensure all of the pieces of fruit have good coverage. You can then take your fruit to work and enjoy it whenever you like.

When it comes to eating your fruit, you can pour out the juice and use a paper towel to soak up any remaining juice, but some people prefer to enjoy the fruit straight out of the juice for extra flavour. If you fancy giving this a try, pineapple juice and cut apples provide a beautiful flavour combination, and pineapple works with lots of other fruits too.

As long as your fruit isn't stored in liquid for too long, it won't pick up any excess moisture and it will be as crunchy and delicious as when you prepared it. Storing fruit this way can keep it fresh for over 24 hours, so you can prep your fruit the night before work and enjoy fresh fruit at lunchtime.


If you don't fancy risking getting lemon juice all over your bag or the train seat, there are other ways to keep your fruit fresh without adding any liquid to it. You can wrap your fruit in paper towels or a paper bag. This locks in the moisture and keeps it from turning brown for a very long time. Keeping your wrapped fruit in airtight containers or a plastic bag can also help to keep it fresher for longer.


Another brilliant way to prevent cut fruit from turning brown is by freezing it. Prepare your fruit the night before work and place it in the freezer overnight. Once it comes time to eat it, it will be beautifully fresh. This works great for bananas, berries and so much more. It's also ideal if you need to keep it at room temperature while you're at work.

Ask work to order fresh fruits

In the famous words of Homer J Simpson "Can't someone else do it?" Well, yes they can! Instead of you prepping your own fruit, ask your work to order fresh fruit for the office! If you live in London, Ripe can deliver fresh fruit to your office whenever you need it. We stock most fruits including some fun exotic fruits that you might not have tried yet. Plus, we also stock lots of other produce and pantry goods like healthy snacks, milk and a great deal more. So what are you waiting for? Ask your manager if they can get some fresh fruit for the office from Ripe and it will never go brown again!

Whether your mission is to keep fruit fresher for longer or leafy greens crunchy and delicious until lunch, Ripe can help. Let your boss know there's a place in London that delivers high-quality fresh fruit, produce, snacks and more directly to the office door so you'll never need to store fruit again! 

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