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Written by Ripe London on July 24, 2017

Low Fat 200 Calorie Snacks

Cravings. They sneak up on you when you least expect it. Whether you pine for sweet treats or salty snacks, here are some healthier alternatives to some of your favourite office bites – all under 200 calories!


Let’s start off with the big one. We’ve all been there, stomach rumbling mid-meeting followed by a rush to the nearest shop for the biggest chocolate bar. Swap unhealthy processed sugars for a snack that will give you energy without the 4pm sugar crash.

  • Apple and honey – sweet, simple, and just 101 calories
  • Apple slices with peanut butter dip – totally like a Snickers bar…but juicier and just 151 calories.


Gummy bears, jelly beans, Skittles…once someone opens a pack it’s easy to just keep eating. Get your sugar fix without the calories and the e-numbers:

  • Fro-Yo blueberries – the perfect summer snack. Just dip blueberries into your favourite low-fat yoghurt and freeze. And at just 100 calories per serving, no guilt involved!
  • Strawberries and plain Greek yoghurt – just two ingredients for a blissful 100 calorie treat.


While not high in calories per se, crisps tend to be high in fat. And it’s true what they say, once you pop you can’t stop…. Since it’s usually game over once that bag opens, we’ve rounded up some crunchy, savoury alternatives:

  • Almonds and cashews – crunchy, tasty and super simple, and at 170 calories for a quarter cup, it’s a no-brainer.
  • Blackberries and pistachios – a gorgeous combination of salty, sweet and tart, mix up your flavours with this delicious 159 calorie snack.


You’ve already had your lunch, but you feel like something savoury. A small supermarket sandwich is fine right? Actually, your average packaged sarnie contains around 400 calories, some even venturing into 800 calorie territory. Swap for a fresh fruit and light cheese on toast. Our favourites are:

  • Berries, basil and cream cheese toast – sounds odd, but trust us. It’s only 176 calories too.
  • Pineapple, cashew and cottage cheese on toast – 190 calories of pure goodness


Believe it or not, those liquid calories add up. Replace fizzy drinks and endless cups of coffee with these energy-giving bevvies:

  • Green berry smoothie – Drink your 5 a day with a mix of banana, apple, strawberries, and kale. 195 calories and full of energy.
  • Almond and orange smoothie – this zesty drink is full of antioxidants, and just 148 calories.

You can find more great smoothie recipes right here.

Convinced? Eating healthy needn’t be a chore, and it’s made all the easier when you have a RIPE fruit box delivered to your desk every morning.  We’re so sure you’ll love our fruit that we’ll give you your first box free when you order 4 boxes.

Browse through our range of fresh produce to see what you could have when you next get fruit delivered to work.

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